20th Guards Red Banner Combined Arms Army
20-я гвардейская
общевойсковая Краснознамённая армия
Military Unit: 83379
Lieutenant-General Vasiliy Mikhaylovich Badanov, 15.7.43 - 29.3.44
Colonel General Dmitriy Danilovich Lelyushenko, 29.3.44 - 30.8.47
Lieutenant-General Viktor Timofeevich Obukhov, 30.8.47 - 15.12.51
Major-General Pyotr Ivanovich Kalinichenko, 15.12.51 - 11.5.53
Lieutenant-General Vladimir Nikolaevich Komarov, 11.5.53 - 10.1.55
Lieutenant-General Vladimir Filippovich Chizh, 10.1.55 - 22.1.60
Lieutenant-General Viktor Filippovich Kotov, 22.1.60 - 9.12.64
Lieutenant-General Mikhail Grigorevich Khomulo, 9.12.64 - 12.5.68
Lieutenant-General Ivan Leontevich Velichko, 12.5.68 - 12.5.70
Lieutenant-General Nikolay Ivanovich Lapygin, 12.5.70 - 19.10.72
Lieutenant-General Vladimir Ivanovich Sivenok, 6.12.72 - 7.7.75
Lieutenant-General Vladimir Mikhaylovich Arkhipov, 7.7.75 - 17.4.79
Lieutenant-General Ivan Vasilevich Chelombeev, 17.4.79 - 12.81
Lieutenant-General Albert Mikhaylovich Makashov, 9.1.82 - 1.86
Lieutenant-General Aleksandr Petrovich Chumakov, 1.86 - 4.88
Lieutenant-General Mikhail Ivanovich Arkhipov, 4.88 - 22.12.91
Lieutenant-General Nikolay Vasilevich Pugachyov, 23.12.91 - 28.6.93
Major-General Aleksey Dmitrievich Nefyodov, 29.6.93 - 1994
Lieutenant-General Vladimir Petrovich Chuzhikov, 1994 - 3.2000
Major-General Sergey Afanasevich Makarov, 3.2000 - 8.2002
Lieutenant-General Aleksandr Nikolaevich Postnikov-Streltsov, 8.2002 -
Major-General Sergey Yakovlevich Chaban, 11.2004 - 2.2005
Lieutenant-General Andrey Vitalevich Tretyak, 2.2005 - 4.2008
Major-General Sergey Vladimirovich Surovikin, 4.2008 - 11.2008
Major-General Sergey Segeevich Yudin, 6.2009 - 4.2013
Major-General Aleksandr Pavlovich Lapin, 4.2013 - 7.2014
Major-General Aleksandr Yurevich Chayko, 7.2014 - today
Activated 15.7.43 as the 4th Tank Army, from the 19th Cavalry
17.3.45 renamed 4th Guards Tank Army.
4.7.46 renamed 4th Guards Mechanised Army.
31.10.46 reduced to the 4th Guards Mechanised Division
(mobilisation) - the attached divisions became regiments.
17.3.50 again enlarged, and became the 4th Guards Mechanised Army.
29.4.57 renamed 20th Guards Combined Arms Army.
Organisation 1960:
Re-organised in 6.64:
Organisation 1970:
Red Banner awarded 17.1.74.
Organisation 1980:
In 5.83 the 25th Tank Division was attached from
the 2nd Guards Tank Army.
Organisation 1988:
Szombathely, Hungary, 6.46 - 5.47
Eberswalde, East Germany, 5.47 - 1991 [52 49 16N, 13 49 31E] [US
designation: Eberswalde 242]
Voronezh, Voronezh Oblast, 1991 - 2007
Mulino, Nizhniy Novgorod Oblast, 2007 - today