Generalkommando V. Flakkorps
Kommandierender General:
- Gen Otto-Wilhelm von Renz, 1.11.44 - 7.5.45
Chef des Stabes:
- ?
- Obstlt Friedrich-Wilhelm Boehme, 3.2.45 - 5.45
Formed 1.11.44 near Budapest, from Stab/Generals der Flakartillerie beim Luftwaffenkommando Südost. Subordinated to Luftflotte 4 with:
Organisation 1.12.44
- 15. Flak-Division (mot.) at Debreczen, supporting 8th Army and 1. Hungarian Army
- 19. Flak-Division (mot.) in Croatia, supporting Heeresgruppe E
- 20. Flak-Division (mot.) at Fünfkirchen, supporting 6th Army and 3rd Hungarian Army
- 17. Flak-Brigade (o) at Budapest (2.45 became Stab/Flak-Regiment 37)
- Luftnachrichten-Kompanie 105
12.44 at Pressburg, and on 31.3.45 moved to Wiener-Neustadt and took over the following units from Luftgau XVII:
- 24. Flak-Division (o) at Wien
- 7. Flak-Brigade (o) at Linz
2.4.45 moved to St. Pölten, and 13.4.45 to Traun. Surrendered 7.5.45 at Admont.
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