Ryazan Higher Airborne twice Red Banner Command School imeni Leninskiy Komsomol
Рязанское высшее воздушно-десантное командное дважды Краснознамённое училище имени Ленинского Комсомола
Military Unit: 42233
Activated 4.4.64 in Ryazan, Moscow Oblast, from the Ryazan Higher Military Red Banner Command School.
22.2.68 awarded the second Red Banner, and named "Leninskiy Komsomol".
12.11.96 named "General of the Army V.F. Margelov".
16.9.98 renamed Ryazan Airborne Troops twice Red Banner Institute.
11.11.02 renamed Ryazan Airborne Troops twice Red Banner Institute imeni General of the Army V.F. Margelov.
9.7.04 renamed Ryazan Higher Airborne twice Red Banner Command School (Military Institute) imeni General of the Army V.F. Margelov.
Ryazan, Moscow Oblast, 4.64 - today [54 38 08N, 39 44 10E]
HQ VDV, 4.64 - today