331st Guards Parachute Regiment
331-й гвардейский парашютно-десантный полк
Military Unit: 71211
Activated 7.6.46 in Kostroma, Kostroma Oblast, from the 331st Guards Rifle Regiment.
Peacekeeping duties in the Caucasus (1988-1990), Yugoslavia/Kosovo (1992 and 1999), Chechnya (1995 and 2001).
Kostroma, Kostroma Oblast, 6.46 - today [57 46 11N, 40 58 28E]
19.11.90: 30 BMD-2, 71 BMD-1, 23 BTR-D, 18 2s9 Nona, 6 BTR-RD, 13 BTR-3D, 8 BMD-1KSh, 10 1V119 [CFE treaty data exchange]
1.1.2000: 102 BMD-1, 33 BTR-D, 18 2s9 Nona, 15 BTR-3D, 6 BTR-RD, 5 BMD-1KSh, 1 BMD-1R, 8 1V199 and 1555 men [CFE treaty data exchange]
105th Guards Airborne Division, 6.46 - 15.8.60
106th Guards Airborne Division, 15.8.60 - 8.93
98th Guards Airborne Division, 8.93 - today