36th Orshansko-Khinganskaya Red Banner Escort
Division VV MVD SSSR
36-я конвойная Оршанско-Хинганская
Краснознаменная дивизия ВВ МВД СССР
Military Unit: 7554
Activated 28.11.68 in Moscow, Moscow Oblast, from the 1st
Department for Escort
and Protection.
Organisation 1970:
236th Minskiy orders of Kutuzov and Aleksandr Nevskiy Escort Regiment
(Moscow, Moscow Oblast - military unit: 7456)
499th Escort Regiment (Orel, Orel Oblast - military unit: 7527)
501st Escort Regiment (Kalinin, Kalinin Oblast - military unit: 6533)
503rd Escort Regiment (Moscow, Moscow Oblast - military unit: 6549)
504th Training Regiment (Sofrino, Moscow Oblast - military unit: 7576)
507th Escort Regiment (Voronezh, Voronezh Oblast - military unit: 7437)
564th Escort Regiment (Tula, Tula Oblast - military unit: 6570)
638th Escort Regiment (Kaluga, Kaluga Oblast - military unit: 6618)
13th independent Special Motorised Militia Battalion (Voronezh, Voronezh
Oblast - military unit: 5433)
444th independent Escort Battalion (Ryazan, Ryazan Oblast - military unit:
000 independent Escort Battalion (Tambov, Tambov Oblast - military unit:
000 independent Escort Battalion (Kursk, Kursk Oblast - military unit: 6699)
In 1971 the two independent Escort Battalions in Tambov and
Kursk were expanded to Escort Regiments.
Organisation 1980:
236th Minskiy orders of Kutuzov and Aleksandr Nevskiy Escort Regiment
(Moscow, Moscow Oblast - military unit: 7456)
499th Escort Regiment (Orel, Orel Oblast - military unit: 7527)
501st Escort Regiment (Kalinin, Kalinin Oblast - military unit: 6533)
503rd Escort Regiment (Moscow, Moscow Oblast - military unit: 6549)
504th Training Regiment (Sofrino, Moscow Oblast - military unit: 7576)
507th Escort Regiment (Voronezh, Voronezh Oblast - military unit: 7437)
564th Escort Regiment (Tula, Tula Oblast - military unit: 6570)
587th Escort Regiment (Tambov, Tambov Oblast - military unit: 6670)
597th Escort Regiment (Kursk, Kursk Oblast - military unit: 6699)
638th Escort Regiment (Kaluga, Kaluga Oblast - military unit: 6618)
13th independent Special Motorised Militia Battalion (Voronezh, Voronezh
Oblast - military unit: 5433)
444th independent Escort Battalion (Ryazan, Ryazan Oblast - military unit:
In 1982 the 50th independent Special Motorised Militia Battalion
was activated.
7.5.86 renamed Orshansko-Khinganskaya Red Banner
Central Adminitration Internal Troops MVD SSSR.
From 5.86 the 43rd Escort Divsion VV MVD SSSR
was attached to the Orshansko-Khinganskaya Red Banner
Central Adminitration Internal Troops MVD SSSR.
In 1986 the 236th Minskiy orders of Kutuzov and Aleksandr
Nevskiy Escort Regiment was renamed 32nd Minskiy orders of Kutuzov and Aleksandr
Nevskiy Escort Brigade.
In 1989 the 564th Escort Regiment was renamed 667th Escort
Organisation 1990:
43rd Escort Divsion VV MVD SSSR (Minsk, Minsk Oblast)
32nd Minskiy orders of Kutuzov and Aleksandr Nevskiy Escort Brigade
(Moscow, Moscow Oblast - military unit: 7456) [55 49 15N, 37 43 17E]
499th Escort Regiment (Orel, Orel Oblast - military unit: 7527) [52 57 11N,
36 03 32E]
501st Escort Regiment (Kalinin, Kalinin Oblast - military unit: 6533) [56 48
11N, 35 59 49E]
503rd Escort Regiment (Moscow, Moscow Oblast - military unit: 6549) [55 47
01N, 37 52 24E]
504th Training Regiment (Sofrino, Moscow Oblast - military unit: 7576) [56
01 32N, 37 18 06E]
507th Escort Regiment (Voronezh, Voronezh Oblast - military unit: 7437) [51
40 21N, 39 13 11E]
587th Escort Regiment (Tambov, Tambov Oblast - military unit: 6670) [52 44
18N, 41 26 20E]
597th Escort Regiment (Kursk, Kursk Oblast - military unit: 6699) [51 43
50N, 36 16 37E]
638th Escort Regiment (Kaluga, Kaluga Oblast - military unit: 6618) [54 27
59N, 36 11 59E]
667th Escort Regiment (Tula, Tula Oblast - military unit: 6570) [54 09 38N,
37 36 48E]
13th independent Special Motorised Militia Battalion (Voronezh, Voronezh
Oblast - military unit: 5433)
50th independent Special Motorised Militia Battalion (Vladimir, Vladimir
Oblast - military unit: 5470)
444th independent Escort Battalion (Ryazan, Ryazan Oblast - military unit:
6680) [54 38 35N, 39 40 40E]
Moscow, Moscow Oblast 11.68 - 5.86 [55 49 15N, 37 43 17E]
GUVV MVD SSSR, 1968 - 1992