33rd Red Banner Motorised Rifle Division

33-я мотострелковая Краснознамённая дивизия

Military Unit: 35390

Activated 17.5.57 in Khomutovo, Sakhalinskaya Oblast, as the 56th Motorised Rifle Division, from the 56th Rifle Division.

Organisation 1960:

19.2.62 re-organised:

In 12.63 the 390th Motorised Rifle Regiment was transferred to the Pacific Fleet, and was replaced by the new 465th Motorised Rifle Regiment.

17.11.64 renamed 33rd Motorised Rifle Division.

In 1968 the 162nd independent Sapper Battalion was renamed 162nd independent Engineer-Sapper Battalion.

Organisation 1970:

In 1972 the 000 independent Chemical Defence Company was renamed 145th independent Chemical Defence Battalion.

In 1980 the 000 independent Motor Transport Battalion was renamed 1488th independent Material Supply Battalion.

Organisation 1980:

In 1982(?) the 192nd Tank Regiment was reduced, and renamed 97th independent Tank Battalion.

In 1987 the 908th Anti-Aircraft Artillery Regiment was transferred to the 265th Motorised Rifle Division, and was replaced by the 1108th Anti-Aircraft Missile Regiment from the same division.

Organisation 1988:

1.6.2009 renamed 39th independent Motorised Rifle Brigade.



Divisional coordinates:

The division was maintained as a Ready Division - Reduced Strength II (US terms: Category II).