128th Guards Turkestanskaya twice Red Banner Motorised Rifle Division imeni Marshal of the Soviet Union A.A. Grechko

128-я гвардейская мотострелковая Туркестанская дважды Краснознамённая дивизия имени Маршала Советского Союза А.А. Гречко

Military Unit: 11326

Activated 15.12.56 in Esztergom, Hungary, from the 128th Guards Mountain Rifle Division.

Organisation 1960:

19.2.62 re-organised:

In 5.62 the 22nd independent Tank Battalion was activated.

In 1968 the 534th independent Guards Sapper Battalion was renamed 534th independent Guards Engineer-Sapper Battalion.

Organisation 1970:

15.11.72 re-organised:

In 5.76 named "imeni Marshak of the Soviet Union A.A. Grechko".

In 12.79 the 149th Guards Motorised Rifle Regiment was transferred to the 201st Motorised Rifle Division, and was replaced by the new 487th Motorised Rifle Regiment.

In 1980 the 215th independent Motor Transport Battalion was renamed 891st independent Material Supply Battalion.

Organisation 1980:

4.5.85 awarded the second Red Banner.

Organisation 1988:

In 1989 the 22nd independent Tank Battalion was disbanded.

1.92 taken over by Ukraine.



Equipment 1.12.85:

Equipment 19.11.90 (CFE treaty holdings):

Divisional coordinates:

The division was maintained as a Ready Division - Reduced Strength I (US terms: Category II).