114th Guards Chernigovsko-Rechitskaya order of
Lenin Red Banner order of Suvurov Assault
Aviation Division
114-я гвардейская штурмовая
Черниговско-Речицкая ордена Ленина Краснознаменная ордена Суворова авиационная
Military Unit: 42053
Activated 18.5.42 as the 228th Assault Aviation Division.
18.3.43 renamed 2nd Guards Assault Aviation Division.
Organisation 5.45 (Finow, East Germany):
58th Guards Assault Aviation Regiment with Il-2
59th Guards
Assault Aviation Regiment with Il-10
78th Guards Assault Aviation Regiment with Il-10
79th Guards Assault Aviation Regiment with Il-2
The 78th Guards Assault Aviation Regiment was disbanded in April
10.1.49 renamed 114th Guards Assault Aviation Division.
Organisation 1949:
635th Guards Assault Aviation Regiment (Köthen, East
Germany) with Il-10
725th Guards
Assault Aviation Regiment (Dresden-Klotzsche, East Germany) with Il-10
823rd Guards Assault Aviation Regiment (Jüterbog-Altes
Lager, East Germany) with Il-10
Organisation 1954:
635th Guards Assault Aviation Regiment (Finsterwalde, East
Germany) with MiG-15
725th Guards
Assault Aviation Regiment (Finsterwalde, East Germany) with MiG-15
664th Guards Assault Aviation Regiment
(Falkenberg, East Germany) with MiG-15
8.56 renamed 161st Guards Fighter Aviation Division PVO.
Organisation 1956:
635th Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment PVO with MiG-15
725th Guards
Fighter Aviation Regiment PVO with MiG-15
664th Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment PVO (Stalino, Stalino
Oblast) with MiG-15
Disbanded 10.56.
Finow, East Germany, 4.45 - 1945 [52 49 41N, 13 41 39E]
Wittstock area, East Germany, 1945 - 1946? [53 12 04N, 12 31
Grossenhain, East Germany, 1946 - 8.49 [51 18 27N, 13 33
Jüterbog-Altes Lager, East Germany, 8.49 - 6.53 [51 59 44N,
12 58 55E]
Falkenberg, East Germany, 6.53 - 8.56 [51 32 51N, 13 13 04E]
Stalino (Donetsk), Stalino (Donetsk Oblast), 8.56 - 10.56 [48 04 13N, 37 44 04E]
16th Air Army, 4.9.42 - 6.45
6th Assault Aviation Corps, 6.45 - 1.49
75th Assault Aviation Corps, 1.49 - 8.56