Flak-Regiment 155 (W)
Stab/Flak-Regiment 155 (W):
- Oberst Max Wachtel, 15.8.43 - 5.3.45
- Maj Heinrich Steinhoff, 5.3.45 - 1.4.45
- Maj Rudolf Sack, 2.4.45 - 8.5.45
Formed 15.8.43 in Zinnowitz-Zempin from Lehr- und Erprobungskommando Wachtel. Main function was the launching of V1 flying bombs.
Known cover designations: Flakgruppe Creil (21.12.43 - 19.8.44) and Flakgerätepark West (19.8.44 - 1945).
- 3.12.43 arrived at Merlemont (France) (the first batteries had arrived from mid-11.43)
- 1.1.44 under 18. Flak-Brigade
- 1.2.44 under 19. Flak-Brigade
- 1.3.44 under 19. Flak-Brigade
- 1.4.44 not listed
- 1.5.44 under 19. Flak-Brigade
- 1.6.44 under 19. Flak-Brigade
- 9.6.44 to Saleux
- 1.7.44 under 19. Flak-Brigade
- 19.8.44 to Roubaix
- 31.8.44 to Maria-ter-Heide
- 4.9.44 to Enschede
- 29.9.44 to Siegen
- 2.45 in Seelbach
- 12.3.45 to Schloß Leer bei Meschede
I./Flak-Regiment 155 (W):
Formed 15.8.43 in Zinnowitz-Zempin with 1. - 4. Batterien. Two more batteries was added 12.43, and the Abteilung now controlled 1. - 4. V1 Batterien and 17. - 18. Technische Batterien.
5. Batterie was attached from 8.44.
Reorganised in 10.44, now with (17./155 became 15./155, and 18./155 probably 16./155):
Stab I./155
1./155 no change
2./155 no change
3./155 new (the old 3./155 became 11./155)
4./155 no change
5./155 new
6./155 newService:
- 12.43 - 3.9.44 at Lumbres (France)
- 9.44 in the Remagen area
- 11.44 in Sauerland (Westerland)
- 12.44 moved into Holland
II./Flak-Regiment 155 (W):
Formed 15.8.43 in Zinnowitz-Zempin with 5. - 8. Batterien. Two more batteries was added 12.43, and the Abteilung now controlled 5. - 8. V1 Batterien and 19. - 20. Technische Batterien.
10.44 renamed leichte Flak-Abteilung 1001:
Stab II., 1. - 4./155 became Stab, 1. - 4./1001
19./155 became 4./1004
20./155 became 3./1004Reformed 11.44 in Holland with 11. - 16. Batterien:
11./155 from 3./155
12./155 new
13./155 new
14./155 new
15./155 from 17./155
16./155 from 18./155(?)Service:
- 12.43 - 18.7.44 at Amiens (France)
- 18.7.44 to the Rouen area
- 8.44 to Germany
- 11.44 - 4.45 in Delft (Holland)
III./Flak-Regiment 155 (W):
Formed 15.8.43 in Zinnowitz-Zempin with 9. - 12. Batterien. Two more batteries was added 12.43, and the Abteilung now controlled 9. - 12. V1 Batterien and 21. - 22. Technische Batterien.
Reorganised in 10.44, now with 21. - 26. Batterien.
21. - 24./155 from the old 9. - 12/155
25./155 from the old 21./155
26./155 from the old 22./155Service:
- 12.43 - 14.8.44 at Gaillefontaine
- 9.44 in the Eifel area
- 2.45 in Eifel/Leiden
IV./Flak-Regiment 155 (W):
Formed 15.8.43 in Zinnowitz-Zempin with 13. - 16. Batterien. Two more batteries was added 12.43, and the Abteilung now controlled 13. - 16. V1 Batterien and 23. - 24. Technische Batterien.
21.7.44 renamed II./Flak-Regiment 255:
Stab IV./155 became Stab II./255
13./155 became 13./255
14./155 became 14./255
15./155 became 11./255
16./155 became 12./255
23./155 became 15./255
24./155 became Kolonne II./255Service:
- 12.43 - 7.44 at Boissay (France) [originally planned for the Cherbourg area]
V./Flak-Regiment 155 (W):
Ad-hoc formation, never officially formed. Apparently controlled some of the older launch pads. Disbanded 9.44.
- HQ at Caudebec-en-Caux until 8.44
- 8.44 to Lüdenscheid (Westfalen), but reported at Maria-ter-Heide 2.9.44
VI./Flak-Regiment 155 (W):
Ad-hoc formation, never officially formed. Apparently controlled some of the older launch pads. Disbanded 6.44.
- HQ near Bernay
VII./Flak-Regiment 155 (W):
Ad-hoc formation, never officially formed. Apparently controlled some of the older launch pads. Disbanded 6.44.
- HQ at Saint Pierre-sur-Dives
VIII./Flak-Regiment 155 (W):
Ad-hoc formation, never officially formed. Apparently controlled some of the older launch pads. Disbanded 6.44.
- HQ at Valognes
IX./Flak-Regiment 155 (W):
Ad-hoc formation, never officially formed. Apparently controlled some of the older launch pads. Disbanded 6.44.
- HQ at Zannebeke (Belgium)
© 1997-2006 Michael Holm