Luftkriegsschule 11 (Behelfs)


Formed 19.8.44 in Oschatz, from Fliegerabteilung/Luftnachrichtenschule 3 and parts of other Luftkriegsschulen.

Training was stopped on 7.9.44, and most personnel were sent to Flugzeugführerschule A 121 to complete their training. The school began training duties again 10.44.

Pilot training ended 2.45, and from 4.45 personnel was assiged to the 10. Fallschirm-Jäger-Divisionen, and saw action near St. Pölten.

Disbanded 16.4.45.

Used the following aircraft: ?


8.44 - 9.44 Oschatz
9.44 - 4.45 Straubing*

* satellite airfields: Ergolding

© 1997-2003 Michael Holm