Flugzeugüberführungsgeschwader 1
- Obstlt Zeidler, 5.42 - 1944
Formed 5.42 in Berlin-Reichssportfeld, to fly the finished aircraft from the factories to the frontline units, with:
Stab/Fl.Ü.G.1 new
1./Fl.Ü.G.1 new
2./Fl.Ü.G.1 new
3./Fl.Ü.G.1 new
4./Fl.Ü.G.1 new
5./Fl.Ü.G.1 new
6./Fl.Ü.G.1 new
7./Fl.Ü.G.1 newOn 23.9.43 reorganised into 6 groups (each 3 - 4 staffeln):
Fl.Ü.G.1/Gruppe Nord
Fl.Ü.G.1/Gruppe Ost
Fl.Ü.G.1/Gruppe Süd
Fl.Ü.G.1/Gruppe Südost
Fl.Ü.G.1/Gruppe West
Fl.Ü.G.1/ErgänzungsgruppeGruppe Nord:
- Maj Siegfried Taubert, 23.9.44 - ?
Formed 23.9.43 in Elbing with 1. - 4. Staffeln.
Gruppe Ost:
- Maj Karl Schaake, 23.9.43 - ?
Formed 23.9.43 in Cracow with 1. - 4. Staffeln.
Gruppe Süd:
- Maj Franz Fachner, 23.9.43 - ?
Formed 23.9.43 in Erding with 1. - 3. Staffeln.
Gruppe Südost:
- Maj Edwin Brunner, 23.9.43 - ?
Formed 23.9.43 in Wien with 1. - 4. Staffeln.
Gruppe West:
- Maj Hans-Jürgen Willers, 23.9.43 - ?
Formed 23.9.43 in Wiesbaden with 1. - 3. Staffeln.
Disbanded 20.9.44, with 2. and 3./Gruppe West being absorbed by Gruppe Süd.
- Maj Hans Zander, 23.9.43 - 30.4.44
- Hptm Heinz Rollberg, 1.5.44 - 2.7.44
- Hptm Harald Höpfner, 3.7.44 - 23.11.44
Formed 23.9.43 in Jüterbog-Altes Lager (1.10.43 to Dedelsdorf, ?.44 to Hildesheim) with 1. - 5. Staffeln.
© 1997-2003 Michael Holm