Seenotkommando 16
Formed 4.41 in Tripoli as Seenotbezirkstelle (L) Tripolis.
1.6.42 renamed Seenotkommando 16.
Disbanded 8.44.
Subordinated to Seenotzentrale (L) Sizilien (4.41 - 6.41), Seenotzentrale (L) Athen (6.41 - 6.42), Seenotbereichskommando XI (6.42 - 10.42) and Seenotbereichskommando X (10.42 - 8.44).
4.41 - 6.41 in Tripoli
6.41 - 11.41 in Derna (Bomba Bay)
11.41 - 2.42 in (?)
2.42 - 10.42 in Derna (Bomba Bay)
11.42 - 5.43 in (?)
6.43 - 8.44 in Orbetello
© 1997-2006 Michael Holm