Riga Higher Military Political Red Banner School imeni Marshal of the Soviet Union S.S. Biryuzov (RVVPU)

Рижское высшее военно-политическое Краснознамённое училище имени Маршала Советского Союза С.С. Бирюзова (РВВПУ)

Military Unit: 00000

Activated 7.58 in Riga, Latvian SSR, as the Riga Higher Red Banner Artillery Engineering School, from the Riga Higher School of Coastal Artillery VMF.

31.12.59 transferred to the RVSN, as the Riga Higher Command Engineering School (RVKIKU).

6.3.65 named "imeni Marshal of the Soviet Union S.S. Biryuzov".

1971 renamed Riga Higher Military School (RVVKU).

23.5.73 renamed Riga Higher Military Command School.

20.6.77 renamed Riga Higher Military Political School.

Disbanded 1993.

