Kiev Higher Combined Arms Command twice Red Banner School imeni M.V. Frunze

Киевское высшее общевойсковое командное дважды Краснознамённое училище имени М.В. Фрунзе


Activated 8.7.54 in Kiev, Kiev Oblast, as the Kiev Red Banner Tank School imeni M.V. Frunze, from the Kiev United School for Self-Propelled Artillery.

28.6.61 transferred to the RVSN.

22.11.61 renamed Kiev Command-Technical School.

11.8.65 disbanded.

Re-activated 8.65 in Kiev, Kiev Oblast, as the Kiev Higher Combined Arms Command Red Banner School imeni M.V. Frunze.

22.2.68 awarded the 2nd Red Banner.

1.92 taken over by Ukraine, and disbanded 19.8.92.

