62nd Motorised Rifle Division

62-я мотострелковая дивизия

Military Unit: 14892

Activated 31.1.72 in Maykop, Adygeyskaya Autonomous Oblast.

The division was unmanned, except for some pre-assigned officers, serving with the parent division (9th Motorised Rifle Division) - the equipment set was co-located with the 9th Motorised Rifle Division until 5.72.

In 5.72 converted to a regular division, and was transferred to Itatka, Tomsk Oblast.

Organisation 1980:

Organisation 1988:

1.10.89 renamed 5352nd Weapons and Equipment Storage Base, and was relocated to Omsk, Omsk Oblast.

Disbanded 1994.



Divisional coordinates:

The division was maintained as a Not Ready Division - High-Strength Cadre(US terms: Category III).