54th Red Banner Motorised Rifle Division

54-я мотострелковая Краснознамённая дивизия

Military Unit: 42395

Activated 4.6.57 in Kandalaksha, Murmansk Oblast, from the 54th Rifle Division.

Organisation 1960:

19.2.62 re-organised:

In 1968 the 299th independent Sapper Battalion was renamed 299th independent Engineer-Sapper Battalion.

Organisation 1970:

In 7.70 the 279th Motorised Rifle Regiment was used to activate the new 91st Motorised Rifle Division, and was replaced by the 221st Guards Motorised Rifle Regiment.

15.11.72 re-organised:

In 1980 the 000 independent Motor Transport Battalion was renamed 1481st independent Material Supply Battalion.

Organisation 1980:

In 1987 the 338th Guards Tank Regiment was reduced and renamed 82nd independent Tank Battalion.

Organisation 1988:

1997 renamed 62nd independent Motorised Rifle Brigade.

1998 renamed 35th Weapons and Equipment Storage Base.

Disbanded 2007.



Equipment 12.85:

Equipment 19.11.90 (CFE treaty holdings):

Divisional coordinates:

The division was maintained as a Ready Division - Reduced Strength II (US terms: Category II) - one motorised rifle regiment maintained at full strength.