27th Guards Omsk-Novoburgskaya Red Banner
order of Bogdan Khmelnitskiy Motorised Rifle
27-я гвардейская
мотострелковая Омско-Новобугская Краснознамённая ордена
Богдана Хмельницкого дивизия
Military Unit: 35100
Activated 17.5.57 in Halle, East Germany, as the 21st Guards
Motorised Rifle Division, from the 21st Guards Mechanised Division.
Organisation 1960:
68th Guards Motorised Rifle Regiment (Halle, East Germany)
243rd Guards Motorised Rifle Regiment (Halle, East Germany)
244th Guards Motorised Rifle Regiment (Halle, East Germany)
28th Tank Regiment (Halle, East Germany)
54th Guards Artillery Regiment (Halle, East Germany)
1076th Anti-Aircraft Artillery Regiment (Halle, East Germany)
5th independent Reconnaissance Battalion (Halle, East Germany)
29th independent Guards Sapper Battalion (Halle, East Germany)
35th independent Guards Communications Battalion (Halle, East Germany)
000 independent Chemical Defence Company (Halle, East Germany)
21st independent Medical-Sanitary Battalion (Halle, East Germany)
732nd independent Motor Transport Battalion (Halle, East Germany)
In 1961 the
329th independent Missile Battalion was activated.
19.2.62 the
44th independent Equipment Maintenance and Recovery Battalion was activated.
In 5.62 the 31st independent Tank Battalion was activated.
17.11.64 renamed 27th Guards Motorised Rifle Division.
3.67 awarded with the name "Omsk"
In 1968 the 29th independent Guards Sapper Battalion was renamed
29th independent Guards Engineer-Sapper Battalion, while the
488th independent Anti-Tank Artillery Battalion was activated.
Organisation 1970:
68th Guards Motorised Rifle Regiment (Halle, East Germany)
243rd Guards Motorised Rifle Regiment (Halle, East Germany)
244th Guards Motorised Rifle Regiment (Halle, East Germany)
28th Tank Regiment (Halle, East Germany)
54th Guards Artillery Regiment (Halle, East Germany)
1076th Anti-Aircraft Artillery Regiment (Halle, East Germany)
31st independent Tank Battalion (Halle, East Germany)
329th independent Missile Battalion (Halle, East Germany)
488th independent Anti-Tank Artillery Battalion (Halle, East Germany)
54th independent Reactive Artillery Battery (Halle, East Germany)
5th independent Reconnaissance Battalion (Halle, East Germany)
29th independent Guards Engineer-Sapper Battalion (Halle, East Germany)
35th independent Guards Communications Battalion (Halle, East Germany)
000 independent Chemical Defence Company (Halle, East Germany)
44th independent Equipment Maintenance and Recovery Battalion (Halle, East Germany)
21st independent Medical-Sanitary Battalion (Halle, East Germany)
732nd independent Motor Transport Battalion (Halle, East Germany)
30th independent Helicopter Detachment (Merseburg, East Germany) - activated
In 1972 the 000 independent Chemical Defence Company was renamed
367th independent Chemical Defence Battalion.
In 1980 the 732nd independent Motor Transport Battalion was
renamed 1126th independent Material Supply Battalion, and the 54th independent
Reactive Artillery Battery was absorbed by the Artillery Regiment.
31.3.80 the 1076th Anti-Aircraft Missile Regiment was
transferred to the 6th Guards Tank Division, and was replaced by the 286th
Guards Anti-Aircraft Missile Regiment, from the same division.
Organisation 1980:
68th Guards Motorised Rifle Regiment (Halle, East Germany)
243rd Guards Motorised Rifle Regiment (Halle, East Germany)
244th Guards Motorised Rifle Regiment (Halle, East Germany)
28th Tank Regiment (Halle, East Germany)
54th Guards Artillery Regiment (Halle, East Germany)
286th Guards Anti-Aircraft Missile Regiment (Halle, East Germany)
31st independent Tank Battalion (Halle, East Germany)
329th independent Missile Battalion (Halle, East Germany)
488th independent Anti-Tank Artillery Battalion (Halle, East Germany)
5th independent Reconnaissance Battalion (Halle, East Germany)
29th independent Guards Engineer-Sapper Battalion (Halle, East Germany)
35th independent Guards Communications Battalion (Halle, East Germany)
367th independent Chemical Defence Battalion (Halle, East Germany)
44th independent Equipment Maintenance and Recovery Battalion (Halle, East Germany)
21st independent Medical Battalion (Halle, East Germany)
1126th independent Material Supply Battalion (Halle, East Germany)
30th independent Helicopter Detachment (Merseburg, East Germany) - 12.85
moved to Schlotheim
In 5.83 the 30th independent Helicopter Detachment was renamed 327th
independent Helicopter Squadron.
In 1986 the 244th Guards Motorised Rifle Regiment relocated to
Schlotheim - probably at the same time the 5th independent Reconnaissance
Battalion relocated to Mühlhausen.
In 1986 the 329th independent Missile Battalion was transferred
to the new 449th Missile Brigade.
25.11.86 the 31st independent Tank Battalion was disbanded.
Organisation 1988:
68th Guards Motorised Rifle Regiment (Halle, East Germany)
243rd Guards Motorised Rifle Regiment (Halle, East Germany)
244th Guards Motorised Rifle Regiment (Schlotheim, East Germany)
28th Tank Regiment (Halle, East Germany)
54th Guards Artillery Regiment (Halle, East Germany)
286th Guards Anti-Aircraft Missile Regiment (Halle, East Germany)
488th independent Anti-Tank Artillery Battalion (Halle, East Germany)
5th independent Reconnaissance Battalion (Mühlhausen, East Germany)
29th independent Guards Engineer-Sapper Battalion (Halle, East Germany)
35th independent Guards Communications Battalion (Halle, East Germany)
367th independent Chemical Defence Battalion (Halle, East Germany)
44th independent Equipment Maintenance and Recovery Battalion (Halle, East Germany)
21st independent Medical Battalion (Halle, East Germany)
1126th independent Material Supply Battalion (Halle, East Germany)
327th independent Helicopter Squadron (Schlotheim, East Germany)
1.2.89 the 327th independent Helicopter Squadron was used to activate the
486th independent Helicopter
Re-organised in 5.91 to 8.91 period and united with the 213th Motorised Rifle
- 244th Guards Motorised Rifle Regiment was disbanded, and was replaced by
the 433rd Motorised Rifle Regiment
- 68th Guards Motorised Rifle Regiment was united with the 680th Motorised
Rifle Regiment and renamed 506th Guards Motorised Rifle Regiment
- 243rd Guards Motorised Rifle Regiment was united with the 691st
Motorised Rifle Regiment and renamed 589th Guards Motorised Rifle Regiment
- 28th Tank Regiment united with the 34th Tank Regiment and renamed 152nd
Tank Regiment
- 54th Guards Artillery Regiment united with the 1283rd Artillery Regiment
and renamed 268th Guards Artillery Regiment
- 286th Guards Anti.Aircraft Missile Regiment was transferred to the 54th
Motorised Rifle Division, and was replaced by the 838th Anti.Aircraft
Missile Regiment
- 488th independent Anti-Tank Artillery Battalion was united with the
1034th independent Anti-Tank Artillery Battalion and was renamed 1017th
independent Anti-Tank Artillery Battalion
- 5th independent Reconnaissance Battalion was united with the 296th independent
Reconnaissance Battalion and was renamed 907th independent Reconnaissance
- 35th independent Guards Communications Battalion was united with the
973rd independent Communications Battalion and was renamed 834th independent
Guards Communications Battalion
- 29th independent Guards Engineer-Sapper Battalion was united with the
883th independent Engineer-Sapper Battalion and was renamed 1614th
independent Guards Engineer-Sapper Battalion
- 367th independent Chemical Defence Battalion was united with the 192nd
independent Chemical Defence Company and was renamed 761st independent
Chemical Defence Company
- 21st independent Medical Battalion was united with 83rd independent
Medical Battalion and was renamed 341st independent Medical Battalion
- 1126th independent Material Supply Battalion was united with the 893rd
independent Material Supply Battalion and renamed 140th independent Material
Supply Battalion
- 44th independent Equipment Maintenance and Recovery Battalion was united
with the 423rd independent Equipment Maintenance and Recovery Battalion and
renamed 481st independent Equipment Maintenance and Recovery Battalion
7.92 to 6.96 various parts of the division were deployed to Moldovia for
peacekeeping operations.
In 12.97 the 589th Guards Motorised Rifle Regiment was replaced by the 81st
Guards Motorised Rifle Regiment.
Organisation 2000:
- 81st Guards Motorised Rifle Regiment (Samara, Samara Oblast)
- 433rd Motorised Rifle Regiment (Totskoye, Orenburg Oblast)
- 506th Guards Motorised Rifle Regiment (Totskoye, Orenburg Oblast)
- 152nd Tank Regiment (Totskoye, Orenburg Oblast)
- 268th Guards Artillery Regiment (Totskoye, Orenburg Oblast)
- 838th Anti-Aircraft Missile Regiment (Totskoye, Orenburg Oblast)
- 1017th independent Anti-Tank Artillery Battalion (Totskoye, Orenburg
- 907th independent Reconnaissance Battalion (Totskoye, Orenburg Oblast)
- 1614th independent Guards Engineer-Sapper Battalion (Totskoye, Orenburg
- 834th independent Guards Communications Battalion (Totskoye, Orenburg
- 761st independent Chemical Defence Company (Totskoye, Orenburg Oblast)
- 481st independent Equipment Maintenance and Recovery Battalion
(Totskoye, Orenburg Oblast)
- 341st independent Medical Battalion (Totskoye, Orenburg Oblast)
- 140th independent Material Supply Battalion (Totskoye, Orenburg Oblast)
- 932nd independent Electronic Warfare Battalion (Totskoye, Orenburg
1.6.2009 renamed 21st Guards Motorised Rifle Brigade.
Halle, East Germany, 5.57 - 5.91 [51 29 46N, 11 55 46E]
Totskoye, Orenburg Oblast, 5.91 - today [52 32 37N, 52 48 40E]
1974: 325 T-54/55
1979: T-62 and T-64 (all TP and MSP), 122mm D-30 (artillery regiment), 152mm
2s3 (artillery regiment), SA-6 (SAM regiment), SA-9 (all TP and MSP), 122mm
2s1 (244 gv.MSP)
12.85: 11300 men, 102 T-62, 169 T-80, 185 BMP-1, 90 BMP-2, 164 BTR-60, 72
122mm 2s1, 54 152mm 2s3
Equipment 19.11.90 (CFE treaty holdings):
Divisional HQ: 1 PRP-3, 1 R-145BM, 1 R-156BTR and 1 MT-LBT
68th Guards Motorised Rifle Regiment: 29 T-80, 58 BMP-2, 77 BMP-1, 6 BRM-1K,
18 2s1 Gvozdika, 18 2s12 Sani, 5 BMP-1KSh, 3 RKhM, 1 BREM-2, 1 R-145BM, 3
PU-12, 2 MT-55A and 3 MT-LBT
243rd Guards Motorised Rifle Regiment: 46 T-80, 136 BTR-60, 11 BMP-2, 5
BMP-1, 4 BRM-1K, 18 122mm D-30, 18 2s12 Sani, 3 PRP-3/4, 3 1V18, 1 1V19, 2
R-145BM, 3 PU-12, 3 MT-55A and 20 MT'-LBT
244th Guards Motorised Rifle Regiment: 61 T-80, 59 BMP-2, 76 BMP-1, 6
BRM-1K, 18 2s1 Gvozdika, 18 2s12 Sani, 4 BMP-1KSh, 2 PRP-3/4, 3 RKhM, 1
BREM-2, 2 R-145BM, 3 PU-12, 2 MT-55A and 15 MT-LBT
28th Tank Regiment: 89 T-80, 12 BMP-2, 5 BMP-1, 3 BRM-1K, 18 2s1 Gvozdika, 3
BMP-1KSh, 3 PRP-3/4, 3 RKhM, 1 R-145BM, 2 PU-12, 3 MT-55A and 1 MT-LBT
54th Guards Artillery Regiment: 54 2s3 Akatsiya, 18 BM-21 Grad, 5 PRP-3/4,
3 1V18, 1 1V19, 1 R-156BTR and 12 MT-LBT
286th Guards Anti-Aircraft Missile Regiment: ZRK Osa (SA-8), 5 PU-12 and 1 R-156BTR
488th independent Anti-Tank Artillery Battalion: 1 PRP-3 and 22 MT-LBT
5th independent Reconnaissance Battalion: 14 BMP-1, 8 BRM-1K, 11 BTR-60, 3
R-145BM and 2 MT-LBT
35th independent Guards Communications Battalion: 10 R-145BM
29th independent Guards Engineer-Sapper Battalion: 2 IRM, 6 MT-55A and 11
Equipment 1.1.2000 (CFE treaty holdings):
433rd Motorised Rifle Regiment: 31 T-72, 144 BTR-70, 13 BMP-1, 5 BRM-1K, 25
2s3 Akatsiya, 3 BMP-1KSh, 3 PRP-3, 8 R-145BM, 3 PU-12, 9 MT-LBT, 1 MTP, 1
BREM-4, 1 MT-55A, 1 MTU-20 and 2293 men
506th Guards Motorised Rifle Regiment: 31 T-72, 137 BMP-2, 3 BMP-1, 5
BRM-1K, 5 BTR-70, 24 2s3 Akatsiya, 1 R-145BM, 3 PU-12, 3 MT-LBT, 1 BREM-4, 1
MT-55A and 2162 men
81st Guards Motorised Rifle Regiment: 30 T-72, 126 BMP-1, 5 BRM-1K, 25 2s3
Akatsiya, 7 BMP-1KSh, 1 PRP-3, 1 PRP-4, 1 R-145BM, 3 PU-12, 10 MT-LBT, 1
BREM-2, 1 MTU-20 and 2162 men
152nd Tank Regiment: 93 T-72, 2 BMP-2, 6 BRM-1K, 24 2s3 Akatsiya, 1
BMP-1KSh, 1 PRP-3, 2 PU-12, 3 RKhM, 3 MT-LBT, 2 MTU-20 and 1126 men
268th Guards Artillery Regiment: 36 2s19 Msta-S, 13 BM-21 Grad, 1 PRP-3, 3
1V18, 1 1V19, 1 R-156BTR and 915 men
838th Anti-Aircraft Missile Regiment: ZRK Osa (SA-8), 6 PU-12, 1 R-156BTR
and 436 men
1017th independent Anti-Tank Artillery Battalion: 17 MT-LBT, 1 R-156BTR and
190 men
907th independent Reconnaissance Battalion: 5 BMP-1, 11 BRM-1K, 1 R-145BM, 1
R-156BTR and 347 men
1614th independent Guards Engineer-Sapper Battalion: 1 UR-67, 4 BTR-70 and
338 men
834th independent Guards Communications Battalion: 11 R-145BM, 1 R-156BTR
and 271 men
481st independent Equipment Maintenance and Recovery Battalion: 6 BTR-70, 7
R-145BM, 1 BMP-2 and 309 men
932nd independent Electronic Warfare Battalion: 4 SPR-2 and 162 men
Divisional coordinates:
- Halle barracks (Heide Kaserne) [US designation: Halle Army Barracks 201]: 51 29 45N,
11 55 55E (Divisonal HQ, and all other units, except below)
- Halle barracks (Wörmlitz Kaserne) [US designation: Halle Army Barracks 203]: 51 26
28N, 11 56 44E (243rd Guards Motorised Rifle Regiment, 244th Guards Motorised
Rifle Regiment and 329th independent Missile Battalion)
- Schlotheim barracks (Fliegerhorst Kaserne): 51 15 45N, 10 38 31E (244th Guards Motorised Rifle
Regiment from 1986)
- Mühlhausen barracks (Finanzamt) [Muhlhausen Army Barracks 246]: 51 12 11N, 10 27 51E (5th independent
Reconnaissance Battalion from (?)1986)
- Merseburg airfield [US designation: Merseburg Airfield 623]: 51 21 47N,
11 57 05E (327th independent Helicopter Squadron)
- Schlotheim airfield [US designation: Schlotheim Airfield]: 51 16 01N, 10
38 08E (327th independent Helicopter Squadron)
- Totskoye barracks: 52 32 51N, 52 48 58E
- Samara barracks: 53 06 46N, 50 07 19E
The division was maintained as a Ready Division - First Line (US terms:
Category I) - manning was 100%.