Luftnachrichten-Ausbildungs-Regiment 303
- Oberst Harry Afheldt, 1.10.42 - ?
- Oberst Johannes Oehmichen, ? - ?
Formed 1.10.42 in Dresden, Luftgau III/IV from Stab/Luftgau-Nachrichten-Regiment 4. 12.42 to Dijon.
Withdrawn 8.44 and disbanded 9.44.
I. Abteilung:
Formed 1.10.42 in Dresden-Neustadt [Grundausbildung im Fernsprech und Funk]; 12.42(?) to Lons-le-Saunier.
8.44 withdrawn to Germany, and 9.44 renamed Stab I./Luftnachrichten-Ausbildungs-Regiment 4.
- 1. Ausbildungs-Kompanie; 12.42(?) to Lons-le-Saunier; 8.44 withdrawn to Germany and disbanded 9.44
- 2. Ausbildungs-Kompanie; 12.42(?) to Lons-le-Saunier; 8.44 withdrawn to Germany and disbanded 9.44
- 3. Ausbildungs-Kompanie; 12.42(?) to Lons-le-Saunier; 8.44 withdrawn to Germany and disbanded 9.44
II. Abteilung:
Formed 1.10.42 in Bischofswerda [Abschluss-Ausbildung im Funkmesswesen]; 12.42 to Dijon.
8.44 withdrawn to Germany, and disbanded 9.44.
- 5. Funkmess-Ausbildungs-Kompanie in Port-sur-Saone bei Vesoul (Stellung "Wiesel"); 8.44 withdrawn to Dresden-Neustadt and disbanded
- 6. Funkmess-Ausbildungs-Kompanie in Gray (Stellung "Grille"); 8.44 withdrawn to Belfort and later disbanded
- 7. Funkmess-Ausbildungs-Kompanie in Veuvea bei Dijon (Stellung "Dackel"); 8.44 withdrawn to Germany and disbanded
8. Funkmess-Ausbildungs-Kompanie in Buxy [Stellung "Buchfink"] was formed in 1.44. Disbanded in Königgrätz 9.44.
III. Abteilung:
Formed 1.10.42 in Dresden-Klotzsche [Grundausbildung im Funkmesswesen]; 12.42(?) to Belfort.
8.44 withdrawn to Königgrätz, and 9.44 renamed Stab III./Luftnachrichten-Ausbildungs-Regiment 5.
- 9. Ausbildungs-Kompanie in Belfort(?); 8.44 withdrawn to Germany and disbanded 9.44
- 10. Ausbildungs-Kompanie in Belfort(?); 8.44 withdrawn to Germany and disbanded 9.44
- 11. Ausbildungs-Kompanie in Belfort(?); 8.44 withdrawn to Germany and disbanded 9.44
© 1997-2006 Michael Holm