Flak-Regiment 255 (W)
Stab/Flak-Regiment 255 (W):
- Obstlt Erich Dittrich, 16.7.44 - 8.5.45
Formed 16.7.44 in Maria-ter-Heide(?). Main function was the launching of V1 flying bombs.
- 7.44 - 10.44 in Maria-ter-Heide(?)
- 10.44 in the Eifel area
- 1945 in Luftgau XVII
I./Flak-Regiment 255 (W):
Formed 16.7.44 in Maria-ter-Heide with:
Stab I./255 new
1. - 4./255 (Flak) new
5./255 (Werkstatt) new
Kolonne I./255 (6./255)2.10.44 renamed leichte Flak-Abteilung 1003:
Stab I./255 became Stab/le.1003
1. - 4./255 became 1. - 4./le.1003
5./255 became 2./le.1005
Kolonne I./255 (6./255) became 1./le.1005Service:
- 7.44 - 10.44 in Maria-ter-Heide
II./Flak-Regiment 255 (W):
Formed 21.7.44 in Boissay with:
Stab II./255 from Stab IV./155
11./255 from 15./155
12./255 from 16./155
13./255 from 13./155
14./255 from 14./155
15./255 from 23./155
Kolonne II./255 from 24./1552.10.44 renamed leichte Flak-Abteilung 1002:
Stab II./255 became Stab/le.1002
11./255 became 3./le.1002
12./255 became 4./le.1002
13./255 became 1./le.1002
14./255 became 2./le.1002Service:
- 7.44 - 8.44 at Boissay
- 2.9.44 near Arras
- 9.44 to Germany
© 1997-2006 Michael Holm