Fallschirm-Jäger-Regiment z.b.V.
- Maj Gerhard Schacht, 11.44 - 3.45
Formed 25.11.44 (Stab only) to control Fallschirm-Jäger-Bataillone Schäfer and Schluckebier.
On 31.12.44 the battalions became I. and II./FJR. z.b.V.
In January 1945 III./FJR. z.b.V. was formed in Dramburg from personnel of KG200. I. and II. was in Wittstock on 1.45.
The regiment was disbanded on 17.3.45: Stab and III. became Stab and I./FJR.25, while I. and II. became I. and II./FJR.26.
- I. 1-4, II. 5-8, III. 9-12, 13, 14, 15
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