Seenotstaffel 2
Formed 26.8.39 in Pillau.
Disbanded 6.40.
Reformed 6.40 in Cherbourg (6.40 - 11.40 as Seenotflug-Kommando 2).
19.8.44 redesignated Seenotstaffel 81.
Subordinated to Seenotzentrale (L) Ost (8.39 - 6.40), Seenotzentrale (L) Cherbourg (6.40 - 6.41), Seenotzentrale (L) Normandie (6.41 - 6.42), Seenotbereichskommando II (6.42 - 12.42) and Seenotbereichskommando IV (12.42 - 7.44).
11.40 - 4.42 part of I. Seenotgruppe.
Used the following aircraft: Breguet 521, Do 18, Do 24, He 59 and He 60
Pillau, 26.8.39 - 6.40
Cherbourg, 6.40 - 12.42
Schellingwoude*, 12.42 - 7.44
Grossenbrode, 7.44 - 10.44* detachment at Cherbourg
© 1997-2003 Michael Holm