XIII. Fliegerkorps
Kommandierender General:
- Gen.d.Flg. Erich Petersen, 1.11.42 - 1.12.42
- GenLt Eugen Meindl, 1.11.42 - 1.44
Chef des Stabes:
- Obstlt Karl-Heinz von Hofmann, 1.11.42 - 26.8.43
- Obstlt Ernst Blauensteiner, 26.8.43 - 1.44
Formed 1.10.42 in Groß-Born from Luftwaffen-Division Meindl.
In 1.44 redesignated II. Fallschirm-Korps.
Initially in Russia, but moved to France in 1943.
Duties included the formation of the Luftwaffen-Feld-Divisionen and training.
- Flugbereitschaft/XIII. Fliegerkorps, 10.42 - 1.44
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