Störkampfgruppe Luftflotte 1


Formed 2.43 in Szolzy from 1. Behelfskampfstaffel Luftflotte 1 with:

Stab/Störkampfgruppe Luftflotte 1 new
1./Störkampfgruppe Luftflotte 1 new
2./Störkampfgruppe Luftflotte 1 new
3./Störkampfgruppe Luftflotte 1 new
4./Störkampfgruppe Luftflotte 1 new

On 18.10.43 redesignated NSGr.1:

Stab/Störkampfgruppe Luftflotte 1 became Stab/NSGr.1
1./Störkampfgruppe Luftflotte 1 became 1./NSGr.1
2./Störkampfgruppe Luftflotte 1 became 1./NSGr.3
3./Störkampfgruppe Luftflotte 1 became 2./NSGr.1
4./Störkampfgruppe Luftflotte 1 became 2./NSGr.3

Aircraft used: Ar 66, Go 145, He 45, He 46 and W.34


2.43 - (?)7.43 Szoltzy*
7.43 - 10.43 Idriza**  

* Stab, 1., 2. Staffeln mainly at Szoltzy, 3. Staffel at Krasnowardeisk and 4. Staffel at Gatschina

** 1. Staffel at Shary and 4. Staffel at Gatschina

© 1997-2003 Michael Holm