Seenotdienstführer 3
- ?
- Obstlt Friedrich Buddenbrock, 1.12.42 - ?
Formed 8.40 in Paris as Seenotdienstführer Luftflotte 3, from 5.6.41 as Seenotdienstführer West, and from 1.6.42 as Seenotdienstführer 3.
Moved to Cherbourg in early 9.40.
SNDF West was also commander of I./Seenotgruppe.
Disbanded 19.8.44.
- Seenotzentrale (L) Bretagne in Brest [8.40 - 6.42]
- Seenotzentrale (L) Normandie in Cherbourg [8.40 - 6.42]
- Seenotzentrale (L) Kanalküste in Boulogne [8.40 - 6.42]
- Seenotzentrale (L) Holland in Utrecht [11.40 - 6.42]
- Seenotbereichskommando I in Brest [6.42 - 8.44]
- Seenotbereichskommando II in Cherbourg [6.42 - 8.44]
- Seenotbereichskommando III in Boulogne [6.42 - 3.44]
- Seenotbereichskommando IV in Utrecht/Schellingwoude [6.42 - 8.44]
- Seenotbereichskommando XIII in Berre [12.42 - 8.44]
- Werftdienststelle
- Luftnachrichten-Zug
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