Seenotdienstführer 1
- Oberst Adolf Bartels, 12.41 - 12.42
- Obstlt William Freudenberg, 1.1.43 - 23.2.44
- ?
Formed 12.41 in Wilhelmshaven as Seenotdienstführer Mitte, from 1.6.42 Seenotdienstführer 1.
SNDF Mitte was also commander of II./Seenotgruppe.
In addition to its Air-sea rescue duties, SNDF 1 also controlled all training of Seenot pilots, which took place in the 9th Seenotstaffel.
Disbanded 19.8.44.
- Seenotzentrale (L) Nord in Wilhelmshavn-Sengwarden [12.41 - 6.42]
- Seenotzentrale (L) westliche Ostsee in Kiel-Holtenau [12.41 - 6.42]
- Seenotbereichskommando V in Wilhelmshavn-Sengwarden [6.42 - 8.44]
- Seenotbereichskommando VI in Kiel-Holtenau/Swinemünde [6.42 - 8.44]
- Werftdienststelle
- Luftnachrichten-Zug
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